September 2021

Following the Government’s announcement on 19th July 2021 recommending that employers encourage a gradual return to offices, Pegasus Group are happy to announce that employees are now returning to offices to work.

Pegasus Group have adapted to change and implemented an Agile Working Policy which includes procedures for hybrid working in order to meet our employees’ changing expectations.

Our employees have been, and continue to be, briefed on our contingency plans and are able to access projects and client information in a secure manner from anywhere.  Landlines have been replaced with a web-based communication solution allowing our employees to be contacted by phone, Teams, Zoom or email, whether at home or in the office, providing our clients with our usual first-class service.  Please therefore continue to contact all of our employees in the usual way.

We have made substantial IT investment in internet connectivity and cloud services to ensure working remotely is sustainable.  The business utilises Office 365 along with other cloud-based products together with a second back up system in the event of a failure.

Although social distancing guidance no longer applies, Pegasus Group are aware that the pandemic has not yet ended and will continue to monitor levels of occupancy with the other mitigation measures remaining in place to reduce the risk of transmission.

Our staff and service to our clients, remain our priority and we will be keeping up to date with any changes in Government guidance and legislation with confidence that we can act swiftly and efficiently whilst continuing to provide the service which our client’s have come to expect.

If you have any questions, or would like to know more about our protocols and emergency plans, then please contact Sam Kerby, our Chief Group Services and Finance Executive Officer at