East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Forward Planning Team have today (14 April 2021) published a report to the Council’s Cabinet about the next stages of the East Riding of Yorkshire Local Plan Review, together with a Draft Allocations Document (DPD) Update 2020-2039 (April 2021), which sets out the proposed allocations for each settlement area within the county.
The report confirms that a 10-week public consultation will be held on the emerging preferred allocations, starting at the end of May 2021.
The reports contain some significant information on which settlements within the East Riding of Yorkshire will see the biggest changes, including where allocations will be enlarged or created, and where allocations will be removed or not added to (pages 56 to 57 of the report, further details in the DPD).
Following Pegasus Group’s initial assessment of the reports published today (14th April 2021), here are some of the major headlines:
- The emerging local plan proposes 21,346 dwellings over the updated plan period (to 2039). This is a 2% over allocation against the Local Plan target of 20,900 dwellings (1,100 dwellings per annum). This over allocation reflects the number of extant permissions and the shape and size of some of the preferred new allocations to established external boundaries.
- The Draft Local Plan housing requirement is 1,100 dwellings per annum. This is an uplift against the Local Housing Need (LHN) of 909 dwellings per annum (as of April 2021) as established using the Government’s standard method. This is based on including an additional provision to support the delivery of more affordable housing.
- A windfall allowance in villages of 1,500 dwelling is being proposed for the plan period until 2039.
- Howden’s plan period figure is being significantly increased from 800 dwellings to 2,140. This is because East Riding are not allocating any residential sites in Goole, due to the findings of the level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) for Goole and surrounding villages of Hook and Airmyn. The Council are not proposing any new residential allocations for Goole despite significant employment growth being planned for Capitol Park (junction 36 of the M62).
- Pocklington’s residential figure is being decreased due to amount of housing activity and need for infrastructure to catch up with what has been built and permitted recently in the previous plan period.
- To meet the recommendation of the Employment land review and the targets within the Strategic Document Update, all existing undeveloped employment land allocations will be reallocated along with four new sites. The new sites are in Driffield (Kellythorpe industrial estate), Goole (Capitol Park extension), Hessle (Humber bridgehead) and Howden
(Ozone Business Park extension) totalling 34.32 ha of new employment land.
- The review also proposes to adjust affordable housing provision depending on whether or not the site area is greenfield or brownfield land (see page 55 of the cabinet report for the finer details).
Pegasus Group’s planning team will be conducting further analysis of the reports and the draft allocations and proposed changes to the East Riding of Yorkshire Local Plan in the coming days, where we will send out further updates and information to our clients on the wider implications for land bids that have been made to date.
Documents that have been published for consultation can be found on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council website.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss the implications in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Leeds Planning Team.