Outline planning permission for the construction of up to 55 homes has been granted on appeal, on Land at Wykin Lane, Stoke Golding in Hinckley and Bosworth.
Pegasus Group acted on behalf of Davidsons Developments Ltd at the public inquiry in respect of planning, housing land supply and landscape matters, whilst ADC Infrastructure acted in respect of highways matters and No5 Chambers provided Counsel.

Key issues pertinent to the appeal included: the effect of the development on traffic movements and highway safety; the effect of the development on character and appearance of the countryside; the effect of the development on local infrastructure provision; and whether the Council could demonstrate a 5 year supply of deliverable housing sites.
The Inspector found that, whilst the proposed development would have a negative effect on the character and appearance of the countryside, in conflict with Policy DM4 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Management Document (SADMP DPD), the effect would be no greater than a moderate adverse impact. In respect of highways, the Inspector found that the development would have an acceptable effect on traffic movements and highway safety. Therefore, it would not conflict with Policy DM17 of the SADMP DPD. Lastly, the Inspector found that the Council was only able to demonstrate ‘around’ a 4.6-year housing land supply.
Concluding on the planning balance, the Inspector determined that, given the housing land supply position and the status of certain Development Plan polices, the presumption in favour of sustainable development applied in line with NPPF paragraph 11 and SADMP Policy DM1. While the development would conflict with CS Policies 7 and 11 and SADMP Policy DM4, there are sufficient material considerations to indicate that permission should be granted, including the provision of market and affordable housing in the context of an identified shortfall.
Ben Cook, Principal Planner from Pegasus Group’s Birmingham office, said: “We’re very pleased to have achieved outline planning permission on behalf of Davidsons Developments. It is gratifying to see the tremendous efforts of the consultant team rewarded with a positive outcome. The site is sustainably located and the development will be a great place to live once it is completed – I am looking forward to seeing it come forward in the near future”.
For more information about this appeal or any of Pegasus Group’s services, please contact us.