Every year on the 8th March, marks International Women’s Day. It is a day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

The theme for 2021 is “Choose To Challenge” – where a challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change.

The past year has no doubt been challenging for many. This year to mark this occasion we asked our colleagues to share with us their achievements and how they challenged themselves.

Nicky Parsons, Executive Director said: “I challenged myself to get fit in lockdown and graduated from Joe Wicks’ 90 day plan in August. I have continued to keep it going.

“I also managed to help raise over £6,000 for Shelter as part of their Big Walk campaign.”

Sandra Manson, Senior Director said: “2020 was such a momentous year, despite the pandemic. I feel a huge sense of achievement of having grown an amazing team in the Newcastle office to now a team of 11 and relocation to our beautiful office on Grey Street.

“But the biggest feeling of achievement is watching that mix of people, some who haven’t even met in person, become a unit, supporting each other through the trials and tribulations of home schooling, house moves, personal challenges, puppies and epic quizzes (which I maintain are rigged so I lose every week).

“My sense of achievement is my wonderful colleagues and team. Thank you all.”

Hanna Mawson, Director said: “Over the past year, I have come so far and achieved so much, but I feel it is only the beginning.”

Kelly Lynch-Beddows, Principal Urban Designer said: “I challenged myself to learn a lot of new skills during lockdown, including modern calligraphy.”

Stephanie Lawrence, our Head of Marketing said: “I am proud I managed to successfully complete the first year of CPD that is required to achieve Chartered Marketer status. This is despite spending most of my CPD year on maternity leave and dealing with all the challenges that came with the COVID pandemic!”

Sheung-Kin Chan, our Digital Marketing Executive said: “I challenged myself to go back into education after leaving University eight years ago. In this last year I have successfully completed my course and achieved Associate Chartered Marketer status from the CIM.

“At times I found it incredibly hard and felt like I couldn’t do it, but I’m so delighted that my hard work has paid off! A really big thank you to my family, friends and colleagues who have supported me during the past year – I really couldn’t have done it without you!”

Molly Alcock, our Marketing Assistant said: “I’m incredibly proud of myself for achieving Associate status with the Chartered Institute of Marketing and completing my Diploma in Professional Marketing. Studying during lock down was definitely a challenge and at times my goal felt almost unreachable! However perseverance was key for me and now I’m glad I kept up the hard work.

“Throughout the past year I have also read resources on mental health to provide vital support to my friends and family would have struggled with the pandemic.”

More information about International Women’s Day can be found here.

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