A charity set up by Northumberland teenager Jessica Robson, who died of cancer aged just 18, is set to save thousands of pounds in tax payable on respite holiday lodges.

Jessica's Sarcoma Awareness Charity - logoPegasus Group, on behalf of Jessica’s Sarcoma Awareness charity, successfully applied to change the planning permission wording on how the purpose designed and built Lodge is to be used.

The non-material amendment approved by Northumberland County Council is now likely to save the charity up to £19,000 a year in VAT payable on the Chalet.

Jessica was diagnosed with alveolar sarcoma cancer in 2010, aged 14, after finding a lump in her thigh. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy followed, but scans found shadows in Jessica’s chest and further treatment was needed.

Jessica received her treatment at the Newcastle Royal Victoria Infirmary and was amazed to see the support from businesses in the North East who went on to the wards with gifts for the children. She set up the Jessica Sarcoma Charity, and over the next three years raised £28,000.

During this time Jessica enjoyed breaks and holidays with her family, paid for by charities and donations, a time for them all to be together making memories. It became Jessica’s dream that her charity should provide similar respite care.

Despite powering through her GCSEs and celebrating her 18th birthday in style with friends, Jessica died in 2014.

Her family pledged to take the charity forward, especially Jessica’s dream, and in 2018 gained full planning permission from Northumberland County Council to build three holiday lodges on land south of Ingleside, Bardon Mill, Northumberland.

Jessica’s mum Julie, who runs the Jessica Sarcoma Awareness charity, said: “Pegasus Group kindly helped us to amend the planning permission so that the charitable status of the chalet can be recognised, saving us a considerable sum on VAT for the build of the project.

“They have continued to support us along the delivery of the project, on a no fee basis, for which we are very grateful.

“The project is nearing completion and we hope to be able to welcome our first guests to the Respite charity lodge very soon. Jessica’s dream finally coming true.”

Sandra Manson, of Pegasus Group, said they were delighted to help the charity, and that the wording and use of the lodges was key.

“The non-material amendment has distinguished the use of the smaller pods from the main lodge. While the original permission had conditions of use for all three as being for both tourism and respite care, the amendment states that two pods would be used for the purposes of tourism and respite care while the main lodge would be used solely for the purpose of respite care.”

Jessica's Sarcoma Awareness holiday chalet - non-material amendment












Jessica’s Sarcoma Awareness is dedicated to ‘kicking cancer into touch’ and 10% of donations go to Teenage Cancer Trust, 10% to Sarcoma UK while the other 80% stays within the charity to help children and teenagers through cancer. To date more than £200,000 has been raised.

For more information about this project or any of Pegasus Group’s services, please contact us.