Please see attached a Planning and Housing Update prepared by Associate, Nick Kirby from Pegasus Group’s Bracknell office, which considers the implications of the new draft NPPF on housing need and supply issues in the South Coast Region.
The draft NPPF consultation issued in March 2018 seeks comments (until 10th May 2018) on introducing a range of revised planning policies which had previously been seen in many separate government consultations. As ever with planning policy, the new wording of the draft NPPF is key and one of the significant areas of change is the introduction of a definition of the word ‘deliverable’ in the context of 5 year housing supply. This adds clarity by only allowing LPA’s to include sites in their supply where ‘there is clear evidence that housing completions will begin on site within five years’ whereas previous tests only required a ‘realistic prospect’ of delivery within 5 years. The attached update provides an overview of the local authority current stated positions on 5-year housing supply which are likely to be affected by this definition of delivery.
The draft NPPF also introduces a standardised method of calculating housing need, which will have significant impacts on the need of many South Coast Authorities. The attached provides an overview of the extent of changes for affected authorities on the south coast.
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