Pegasus Group has previously provided estimates of Housing Delivery Test (HDT) results for 2022
On 29th November 2023, new information was published on the number of net additional dwellings and bedspaces in residential institutions that were completed in 2022/23. From this Pegasus Group has estimated the likely 2023 HDT results, and these are presented in the following map.
This map was developed by Rob Lawrenson, GIS Specialist.
Once the 2023 results are published, some 70 or the 320 former LPAs nationally are likely to be subject to the presumption in favour of sustainable development. This represents roughly one in every five LPAs.
It is of particular note that there are a number of LPAs where the results are likely to come as a shock, including for example in Chorley, Dudley, Gosport, Horsham, Lambeth, Leicester, New Forest, Southampton and Uttlesford all of which are likely to be subject to the presumption in favour of sustainable development when currently these authorities do not face any sanction. This is largely a result of the significant reduction in housing completions in many of these LPAs over the previous three years, although in the case of Gosport it is largely attributable to the housing requirement becoming five years old such that the results will be assessed against the minimum local housing need, and in Leicester it is largely attributable to the application of the urban uplift to the minimum local housing need.
By contrast a number of LPAs that were previously subject to the presumption in favour of sustainable development are not expected to have any sanction once the new results are published including Brentwood and Warrington.

Neil Tiley
I’m committed to ensuring that we plan positively to meet the needs of the population.

Richard Cook
I get to work all over the country on a wide variety of projects, helping clients to showcase how their schemes can bring long-term social and economic benefits to areas.

Laura Day
I take pride in contributing to obtaining planning approvals and ensuring a commercial perspective throughout a project. Economic and social factors of development are continually growing in importance. I am passionate about drawing out all relevant benefits brought forward by a proposal, as well as identification of all potential socio-economic impacts and appropriate considerations regarding mitigation options for client consideration.

Niamh Ruane
I am passionate about Economics because it impacts our everyday lives and economic concepts influence our daily decisions.